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Friday, 3 August 2012

Step Up 4: Revolution Movie Review

Step Up 4: Revolution Rating: 2.66/5 
Total Reviews 4
From all reviews from the web
Director: Scott Speer
Genre: Dance, Musical
Cast: Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Stephen Boss
Duration: 1 hour 39 minutes  

Showing 4 Reviews
Step Up 4: Revolution Movie Review

Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand  Site:CNN IBN 
The plot’s still threadbare and the dialogue still cheesy, but Step Up Revolution has some thrilling, well-choreographed dance numbers…and let’s face it, that’s the reason we still go to these movies.Unfortunately, however, Step Up Revolution feels like a parade of actors so unquestionably bland that it’s unlikely you’ll remember even one of them as you walk out the door when the lights come back on in the end. Also rather unconvincing is the film’s anti-capitalist message, and that clunky subplot of The Mob staging their climatic dance-off to protest against the neighborhood’s proposed corporate takeover.I’m going with two-and-a-half out of five for Step Up Revolution. The acting and the script have two left feet; watch it if you must for the infectious energy of its dance numbers.
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Allen O Brien Site:Times of India
When it's the Step Up series you're talking about, you know what the deal is all about. It's not about putting on the dancing shoes, but putting on the tights. And once done, nothing can stop our bunch of street dancers from turning into Miami's most happening movers and shakers. Talk of the 2012 version and it's dancing done for a cause. Of course, making up for all that lack of a great plot is the music, some great chemistry between the lead pairs -- Ryan Guzman and Kathryn McCormick, winner of the So You Think You Can Dance series -- and of course, the cutting-edge flash mobs. So you think you can (handle all that) dance? Then go for it....
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Zinnia Ray Chaudhary Site:DNA
The idea of street dance as an art form really comes alive in Step Up Revolution. Fourth in the Step Up series, this one really stands out over the other 3 as far as dance is concerned. The plot is typical and the dialogues have been written as if the audience is dumb and needs every little feeling spelt out in words. But nobody buys tickets to a Step Up film expecting to see good acting or heart-moving performances anyway! They get in to see some great moves and Step Up Revolution holds up that end of the bargain. This flick is for die-hard fans of dance only. Don’t go expecting anything else and you will not be disappointed. 
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Ratings:2.5/5 Reviewer:Rebeca Surber Swank Site:Flix 66
The STEP UP franchise has done a great job creating fun dance movies with PG romance and cheesy moments. I cannot wait for the next STEP UP flick and hope if they opt to stay in Miami they take my suggestions to heart. Viva STEP UP REVOLUTION!
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